Primary Care

Project Title

Assessing Best Practices for an All-Payer Database: Key Choices for New York

Grant Amount


Priority Area

Primary Care

Date Awarded

March 25, 2015


Outside New York State





In New York State, an all-payer database (APD), which consolidates medical claims from Medicare, Medicaid, and commercial insurers, would be able to house valuable information on health care costs and prices; services and medical encounters; payer comparisons; and quality indicators.

But despite the passage nearly four years ago of State legislation authorizing the creation of an APD—a critical means for supporting price transparency, payment reform, and quality-of-care improvements—development of an APD has been delayed. NYHealth awarded a grant to All-Payer Claims Database Council (APCD Council), convened by University of New Hampshire, to produce an independent report for the State on key issues pertaining to the establishment of an APD in New York.

Under this grant, APCD Council put together recommendations for both the regulations and the implementation of the APD to help inform policymakers and ensure that consumers’ opinions were considered as the regulations are developed. Key issues addressed in the report included the State’s authority in the use, collection, and dissemination of the data; price and quality transparency; stakeholder access and use; data release and governance; and data release fee structures. Other states’ lessons in APD development also were documented. A final report with actionable recommendations for New York State was published, and State decision-makers and stakeholders were convened to review the recommendations.

Read the report, “New York’s All-Payer Database: A New Lens for Consumer Transparency